Thursday 16 September 2010

Shedding Some Light

Today i managed to create a 3D model in Maya, 2 infact. The session served as a warm up to remind us about modeling and teaching us more about the confinds and restraint of in game rendering. I created a Lamp Post to a level of self satisfaction. The restraints limiting us were 100 faces (polygons) and to only used Quads (4 sided faces). Also to top it off we had to create it within a time limit, i manged to complete mine within the limit of about half hour and had a a final poly count of 81. All that was left to be done was texturing but i've forgot how to do that.

Here's the reference picture, then the model.

Tis a good accomplishment being as i find myself weaker at 3d modeling.

Cake Free Critic

Thomas Bolton

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