One of the most known usues of 3D software are used in games. Every game that has 3D graphics believe it or not uses 3D software such as Maya or 3Ds Max, there are more programs like these which the industry can use but these are the immediate ones that come to mind. Here i found a tutorial on each of these programs.
Just knowing the basics for any 3D program will give you the tools to start making something amazing, whether its a replica of your favourite mug or an entire city from your own mind. Nothing is impossible, it just takes time. Some programs are made to suit specific customers, Maya and Max are mostly used inside the games industry where as others are more suited and specifically made for other purposes such as CAD (Computer Aided Design) is made for modeling furniture, Machinery, and other things.
Here is a list and comparison of other Modeling programs.
Comparison of 3D computer graphics software
Cake Free Critic
Thomas Bolton